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Captain O’ Captain | Brijdeep Singh ‘Mallah’ (sailor)

Miles off the coast,
having a good time

Now winds are blowing strong,
The mast is nearly flat,
and I’m down on my back.
Captain O’ Captain, I have faith in you.

The boat is taking on water,
and starting to get sluggish.
Some people are getting thuggish
But Captain O’ Captain, I have faith in you.

Having trouble getting the main sail down,
and everyone’s starting to have their doubts
Captain O’ Captain, I have faith in you.

“Brijdeep, you are the Sikh sailor, no?, I am so happy you are on board.
Be quick and loosen the back stay!”

And I look, stare at the stay, I have no idea what the Captain just say.
I’ll learn my Captain, and I’ll learn quite fast, for I’m your “Sikh”
But Captain O’ Captain, your strength I need
For us to succeed

Crossing this mighty ocean, brings fear in me
But Captain O’ Captain, I’ll keep my faith in you.

And if it so passes, that we go overboard
I know your teachings will help me swim to shore.
But if I get tired, lend me a hand would you?
And if it is time for me to merge with the ocean,
I know you will embrace me as I sink to the bottom.

Give me the strength, Captain O’ Captain, to still have faith in you!

My Captain O’ Captain,
With love and gratitude,
This Sailor would sail with you,

- By Brijdeep Singh ‘Mallah’ (sailor)